Tuesday 28 March 2017

It was an all boy show!!!!

Our Easter raffle was drawn today and all four winners were boys.
We raised $33.50  for the endangered bilbies, especially Squiggle.
Thank you to Mitchell and his family for making this possible.

We own a bilby!!!!

Thanks to Mitchell and his fantastic presentation on the bilby. Mitchell and his family bought a bilby, Squiggle in the name of 3 Blue.
Here is Mitchell with his certificate of adoption.
Well done Mitchell for making us aware of this awesome Aussie Icon and the problems it is facing.

Awesom Aussie Icon Presentations. We are all done and dusted!!!!

Ashton taught us all about the Sydney Harbour Bridge.

Cael picked vegemite as his Aussie Icon.

Bray - Koalas
Lewyn _ The Big Prawn
Jayden - Kangaroos
Sayuri - Koalas
Nikita - Steve Irwin
Emily - Kangaroo

Joseph - David Warner

Mitchell -   The Bilby

Taylor - The Great Barrier Reef 

Winners are grinners!!!

Wil received a gold medal for being the Junior Chess Champion for Term 1 and Ash received the silver medal. Go 3 Blue.

Virtue winners - Maddie and Luca.

Congratulations Maddie on your commitment.

Luca, you always show the virtue of generosity.

Surf Rescue - Aussie icons

Tom, Maddie and Misha taught us all about nippers and Surf Lifesaving. Life savers are Aussie Icons.

Saturday 18 March 2017

Mia and The Sydney Opera House.

Mia kindly presented each child with a beautiful, hand made bookmark of the Sydney Opera House. Thank you Mia.

Harvey was last week's Virtue recipient for the virtue of being helpful.

                                                              Congratulations Harvey.

Super Aussie Icon Presentations.

Mia told us all about the Sydney Opera House.

Emma's topic we The Southport Pier.

Ash Kept us spellbound telling us about Steve Irwin.

Luca proved to be an expert on Ned Kelly. The children were truly fascinated by this iconic Aussie Bushranger. A great deal of in-depth discussion followed this presentation.

Olivia also chose Ned Kelly.

Wednesday 8 March 2017

Congratulations Wil

At his very first chess tournament Will won 5 out of 7 games and was given a merit award. Well done Wil. What incredible focus.

Jemma's Aussie Icon presentation - The Lamington

We really enjoyed Jemma's Aussie Icon presentation. The lamingtons were yummy!!!

Thursday 23 February 2017

Virtue of Generosity - Emily

Congratulations Emily on being our first 3 Blue Virtue recipient. Emily received the virtue for generosity.

Tuesday 21 February 2017

WOW!!!! What a fantastic presentation by Wil!!!!

Today Wil was the 'first cab off the rank' and wowed us with his awesome Aussie Icon presentation on the Westpac Rescue Helicopter Service. Wil produced a great little video and was the star actor and interviewer. Wil also provided a take home pack for each student. Fantastic effort Wil.

Literacy Planet Champs!!!!!

Platinum Winners - Emily, Mitchell and Jemma.

Gold Winners- Maddison and Nikita.

Silver Winners - Wil, Harvey, Tom and Mia.

I wonder if we will get and Bronze Winners this week!!!!

Congratulations Jo

A big congratulations to Jo Brenac, second age champion at our school swimming carnival. Well done Jo!

Saturday 28 January 2017

3 Blue are indeed a happy crew!

Welcome to SFX Emma and welcome to 3 Blue, we are a happy crew.

Emma and mum Joy on their first day as members of the SFX family.